Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Aster's Letter

This arrived in the post this morning.

The envelope is empty (I'm guessing there was never a real letter inside). Thoughts?



  1. Two West Belfast addresses:

    49 Falls Road is the Falls Library, an old Carnegie library.

    3 Owenvarragh Park is just off the Andersonstown Road, possibly facing the side of Andersonstown Leisure Centre.

  2. #7 is interesting and makes no sense as an address for a library. Also BT11 would be correct for Owenvarragh Park but BT11 101 doesn't seem to be a real post coce.

  3. Have you checked underneath the stamp?

  4. A couple of things.

    First, there's nothing under the stamp this time either.

    Also, look at what you can see of the writing on the bit that Mary-Frances taped over the address: same handwriting. Looks like Mary-Frances made the prop. I'll ask her where she got the address.

    More soon.

  5. The Carnegie Library is mentioned on page 3 of The Star Factory, right after the page altered to read as page 1/7.

  6. Mary-Francis responded in private message:

    Hi Ana,

    No problem, glad it arrived quickly! The address was given in the script.


  7. BTW, just went looking for Andersontown Rd in the Star Factory, and realized there is a section of the book called 'Owenvarragh.'

  8. That's another section of the book that can't be read on Google Books but I have a feeling Owenvarragh might be named after another river that is now hidden.

  9. Actually I think you can see the remains of if on Google Maps if you look at the very back of Andytown Leisure Centre where it meets Owenvarragh Park and the M1 motorway, you can see what looks like a covered river passing under the M1 and coming out on the other side before disappearing under a car park. Not sure how this helps us though. :)

  10. [in]visible Belfast specifically told us that aster's letter was sealed in an envelope. Why is the envelope empty then?

  11. Is anything written on the inside of the envelope?

  12. Nope. I have now cut it open to make sure ... nothing inside. All it has are those addresses.

  13. Page 101 of the Star Factoyr which is indeed in the Owenvarragh chapter mentions the 'Seven Sisters' meadow

  14. Aster did actually have a letter in the play, it wasn't just an envelope, so where is the letter?

  15. Is Mary-Francis being deceiving and not giving us the letter or did someone else take it and not share it with us?
